A. 19th century Victorian pottery nursery or child’s plate, with a moulded alphabet boarder and a transfer printed and hand painted centre – Franklin’s Proverb Silks and Satins Scarlet and Velvets put out theKitchen fire.
8” diameter / 20.4cm diameter. £95.00
B. 19th century Victorian nursery or child’s plate, with a raised moulded boarder and a transfer & hand plated scene, possibly depicting Opium pipe smokers.
7¼” diameter / 18.5cm diameter
£110 (on hold)
C. 19th century Victorian nursery or child’s plate with a moulded alphabet boarder and a transfer & hand painted centre – The Drive
6” diameter / 15.2cm diameter
D. A small 19th century Victorian nursery or child’s plate with a moulded boarder and hand painted & transfer decorated centre.
5” diameter x 12.7cm diameter